Aspen, Colorado

Adult Literacy

As the Somali Bantu community was restricted from accessing many educational resources and opportunities in their native Somalia, many community members have little to no educational background. Most are illiterate in both English and their native language, Somali Maay Maay. As such this program was designed to fill a gap in services and is thus the only program of its type that is both cultural competent in respect to the needs and challenges facing the Somali Bantu refugee community, but also focused on the needs of the preliterate adult learner.

If you’d like to provide educational materials or supplies, to include printing or copying services to help support our students or if you’d like to make a monetary donation to help support our efforts, please contact Mohammed Abdi at 802-658-2683 or the Association office at We are also currently recruiting volunteers to support this program and our new language lab!